Action Breaks Silence
Creating a world free from the fear of male violence against women and girls
Our Story

Action Breaks Silence South Africa was founded by Debi Steven in November 2016.As a survivor of child sexual abuse herself, Debi is driven by her belief that all women and girls should be empowered to live their lives free from the fear and threat of male violence being perpetrated against them. Debi holds a Master’s Degree in Women and Child Abuse from London Metropolitan University and has worked in South Africa, India, the United Kingdom and Curacao.
Debi worked alongside international and local academics, VAWG / GBV activists and young people to design the Action Breaks Silence Community Intervention which is aimed at profoundly changing the prevailing narrative of violence against women and girls (VAWG).
A “Whole Schools Approach” (developed by Ava) is used to engage, educate, and empower all members of a school community, including students, management, teachers and caregivers/parents with the goal of stamping out VAWG / GBV in schools and surrounding communities.
The Action Breaks Silence Community Intervention tackles sexual harassment and sexual violence and includes targeted strategies to address gender inequality and unhealthy masculinity which underpin harmful sexual behaviour. The design and delivery of the intervention is guided by the Social Norms and Active Bystander Theories.
The Action Breaks Silence Community Intervention to end VAWG/GBV consists of:
- The Train-the-Trainer Programme: Upskilling under employed young adults to deliver our programmes in their communities
- The Primary Schools Programme to end VAWG/GBV
- The Youth Ambassador Programme: United young people to address VAWG/GBV in Youth Relationships
- The Empowerment Through Self Defence Workshop for women and girls
- The Undefining Masculinity Workshop: Addressing the challenges patriarchy may have on boys/men and promoting healthy masculinity
Debi founded Action Breaks Silence UK and co-founded the Action Breaks Silence Foundation in India. While the three charities are independently governed by their own elected Boards, all deliver the Action Breaks Silence Community Intervention to end VAWG / GBV with a focus on communities that face multitudes of challenges.
Our Core Values