Action Breaks Silence receives no government funding.
To sustain our current work and broaden our impact, we rely on the generosity of our donors, as well as our corporate supporters and partners. We look to work with partners, individuals and organisations that share our core principles of equality, respect and inclusivity, also sharing our passion for reducing violence against women & girls, and creating sustainable societal change.

How can you support us?
- Sponsor the delivery of an Empowerment Through Self-Defence or Undefining Masculinity Workshop at a school or organisation or host a workshop for employees – download an information brochure below.
- Fundraise for the charity in sponsored events – run a marathon, climb a mountain or participate in a sporting event alone or in a team
- Nominate Action Breaks Silence as your “Charity of the Year” and encourage employees and clients to raise funds by taking part in challenges and other fundraising activities
- Match-funding – match any fundraising achieved by individual employees
- Leave a gift in your will
- Volunteer